Upgrade your Medicare Supplement and Save Money Too? Yes!!!

It is possible (for a limited time)

Get more with Medicare Supplement Plan F Extra with no underwriting for a limited time. Enroll in Blue Shield’s Medicare Supplement Plan F Extra without underwriting approval.

This opportunity begins February 15 at 12 a.m. and ends April 15, 2019, at 11:59 p.m.

Yes, you get more with Plan F Extra!

While offering the same coverage as Medicare Supplement Plan F, Plan F Extra has three additional supplemental benefits – vision, hearing aid, and Personal Emergency Response System (PERS).

Here are just a few highlights of “The Extras”:

The vision benefit includes coverage for exams, frames, and eyeglasses or contact lenses.
The hearing aid benefit includes an annual hearing test and coverage for Vista brand mid-level and premium-level hearing aids for a low copay.
The Personal Emergency Response System benefit provides access to help 24/7, at the push of a button and no additional cost to the member.

Upset that you lost your Silver Sneakers Benefit? Well, good news…

Plan F Extra also includes, at no extra cost, the SilverSneakers® program and NurseHelp 24/7 SM.

Additional premium discounts for..
7% off for two or more membrs in a Household, Welcome to Medicare Rate Savings, and $3 off with Easy$Pay SM. 1

Click to Book NOW!! to book your free appointment to quote this option for you. Or, Call (831) 423-8542 and ask the health team to go over this option for you.

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