Anthem Blue Cross pulling individual plans throughout most of CA

With the exception of three areas in Northern and Central CA, Anthem Blue Cross will no longer offer any of their Individual and Family plans in California effective 01/01/2018. If you purchased an Anthem policy through Covered California, or direct from Anthem, you will be receiving notices soon of the closure of your plans. This […]

Blue Shield Billing….ACTION REQUIRED!!!!!

Don’t get cancelled for Non-Payment!!!! Action Required! Your Individual and Family plan and Medicare Supplement plan automatic billings were cancelled as Blue Shield migrates to a new billing system. Action is required to pay your May bill and re-establish your “Easy Pay” automatic checking account deductions. Here is info from Blue Shield on the topic. […]

3 things to know about retiree coverage before you retire!


3 things to know about retiree health coverage 1. Find out if you can continue your employer coverage after you retire. Generally, when you have retiree coverage from an employer or union, they control this coverage. Employers aren’t required to provide retiree coverage, and they can change benefits or premiums, or even cancel coverage. 2. […]